Mentec Kunststoffgehäuse für Sprechanlagen / Gegensprechanlagen

Housings from us:

probably the most beautiful way

to get your products

in shape!

Kunststoffgehäuse, Folientastatur von mentec
Kunststoffgehäuse und Folientastatur von mentec - Höchste Qualität, vom Prototyp zur Serie

If individual prototypes ...

Zweifarbiges Kunststoffgehäuse mit Siebdruck von mentec®

... which convince your customers to buy your products …

Schablone Kunststoff von mentec®

... are created from high-quality plastics …

Cube-Gehäuse mit Acryl und Designoptik Edelstahl gebürstet von mentec®

... without tooling costs ...

Kunststoffgehäuse EMV Lack Lichtleiter von mentec®

… because of their elegant surfaces,
and smooth contours...

Cube-Gehäuse mit Acryl und Designoptik Edelstahl gebürstet offen von mentec®

... the desired functionality

Raspberry Pie Gehäuse: schickes Kunststoffgehäuse aus Acrylglas

and eye-catching design...

Kunststoffgehäuse als Tischgehäuse von mentec®

... then you will certainly work with us:

Logo mentec®

Of course, we also undertake manufacture

from the smallest series to mass production!

Messebanner embedded world 2025 englisch

Our core competence

Plastic housings from mentec®
convince your customers!

Product design is increasingly decisive for sales success. mentec® develops and produces functional and optically convincing plastic housings for countless well-known manufacturers from almost all technical sectors, which positively  influences a purchase decision for the product.

Your advantages:

  • No shaping or tooling costs
  • Your prototypes can be produced rapidly
  • Individual housings produced economically even in small quantities
  • Subsequent adaptations usually possible cost effectively and within a short time frame

In addition to our patented K-BOX® technology, we also use conventional production methods, such as injection moulding or thermoforming, if this is advantageous for your order.

>>> more about mentec® plastic housings

Kunststsoff-Gehäuse mit Carbonoptik von mentec®

Cube-Gehäuse mit Acryl und Designoptik Edelstahl gebürstet offen von mentec®

What makes us such a special company

From a single piece to mass production mentec® has been machining plastics for over 15 years at various manufacturing levels.

Based on the experience of thousands of different orders produced, mentec® has developed unique production technologies that make it possible to manufacture at absolutely competitive prices from prototypes to small batches of just a few pieces to mass production.

In the face of current and constantly growing demands, machinery is developing according to market needs. Ongoing reduction of product cycles require faster response times and often also smaller quantities, while still guaranteeing cost-effectiveness.

>>> See a brief insight into our production process

In this video you can find out more about us and our options:

Experience our technologies!

We produce our plastic housings according to your wishes, from the idea to the finished product. In this video you can see a brief overview of our services.

Interaktive Kuehltruhe von mentec

Example cool box

Interactive example of a mentec® housing

You can rotate and pan with your mouse – you can slide the individual elements apart with the scroll wheel of your mouse.

Try it!

What else we can do for you:

Membrane keypads and touch panels from mentec®:
Functional and attractive in many ways!

There are different types of “man-machine communication”.

A customer-specific and economically attractive solution is the membrane keypad or decorative foil. Durable and easy to maintain, they are individually tailored to your product. Benefit from our many years of experience and let us advise you. If required, we can also supply small quantities of membrane keypads. Just ask us!

Touch panels – Resistive or capacitive panels

Panels adapted to your needs that convert any display up to 550 x 410 mm into a touch panel. With up to 10 million touches you can operate your devices! We are happy to advise!

>>> More information about mentec® membrane keypads and touch panels

Folientastatur von mentec®
Acrylglasverarbeitung: Acrylglas Abdeckhaube mit Rundbiegung von mentec®

Design in perfection

Acrylic glass:
Design elements of utmost precision.

With the most modern laser technology we do acrylic glass processing precisely, cleanly and economically as never before. Clearest edges create the impression of highest value.

Often used as a supplement to our plastic housings, as a cover, viewing panels or as a design element – demand is constantly increasing.
We will be happy to explain to you personally which possibilities are available.

>>> more design, more success: continue here!

We can do even more

Silicone keypads from mentec®:
Switching under the most adverse conditions!

Dust, dirt, oil, chemicals – many of our housings must work under extreme conditions. Silicone keypads are often used here. Whether as a switch or as a complete keyboard, lacquered, illuminated … we also supply these for you in small quantities. You can rely on our expertise so that your product matches your
requirements and wishes.

>>> Silicone keypads can be found here

Silikonschaltmatte mehrfarbig von mentec®
Metall-Frästeil von mentec®

This is how we complete our housings

Milled and turned parts
made of different materials

Top-quality milled parts are produced on state-of-the-art CNC machines. As a single piece or in series, as a component of our housings or as an independent order.

In recent years we have significantly improved our performance and production level to offer you incomparable value.

>>> Discover your possibilities!

Thousands of possibilities of functionality

Accessories from mentec®:
The complete offer!

What would a housing be without hinges, rubber feet, handles, locks, connecting and assembly elements? We offer a wide range of accessories for your project. From the start of a project we explain practicable options, in order to ensure thedurable functionality of your housings.

>>> You can find some detailed pictures here

Gehäusezubehörteile von mentec®
Christian Peukert von mentec unterstützt Sie bei Ihrem Vorhaben in Sachen Kunststoffgehäuse und Folientastatur

Commitment and reliability

The company:
Flexibility is your advantage!

Professionalism without ifs and buts! This is one of our guiding principles. We neither save on human skills nor on technical equipment. In this way we can maintain our consistently high manufacturing quality and the very good relationship with our customers. This has guaranteed us considerable success and competitive advantages over our competitors during the past 15 years.

Experience the many mentec® advantages for your project!

Christian Peukert, Technical Managing Director

We are here for you!

We look forward to talking to you, and can call you back:

Please call me back: