mentec® Blog: electronic housings, membrane keypads and more
Welcome to our blog! The mentec® Blog is a new component of our website and informs our customers about applications, production process, news, stories and advantages of our products such as plastic housings, membrane keypads, acrylic glass products, touch panels and silicone keypads. In the future, we will regularly publish new articles, so it pays off to come back again and again.
Enjoy reading – your mentec® team

The silicone keypad in practice – mentec materials science
Die Silikonschaltmatte ist ideal für den Bau individueller Gehäuse. mentec bietet diese bei der Erstellung von individuellen Kunstoffgehäusen dann an, wenn eine tangible Tastatur mit definierten Druckpunkten notwendig ist.

mentec® customer project: Street-Points – the running game
As part of a project mentec developed and produced an individual plastic housing for the company pironex GmbH in order to create the sophisticated running game "Street-Points".

Materials science of plastic housings: what materials are the individual mentec® housings made from?
Material science for plastic housings: in order to be able to produce a plastic housing one needs extensive expertise about the materials used.

Product presentations using acrylic glass
The material acrylic glass, also called PMMA (polymethylmethacrylate), can be used to produce wonderful and elegant workpieces. Based on the acrylic glass processing by mentec, which is operated by the subsidiary STEINHORST, excellent products can be produced from this material.

Medical technology housings: high demands on the quality
Medical technology housings are subject to special requirements in terms of ergonomics, surface and material properties. Mentec offers the necessary know-how and production possibilities.

Tablet housing in practice: robust cases for tablet PCs in use
Tablet housings are common in professional use. In this article we present some application and design options of this special form of plastic housing.

Creating a plastic housing prototype
Startup companies that are on the way to develop an electronic device will need prototype support in making a plastic housing. We are the experts. This article explains how we do it and help our customers make their electronics product a success.

Custom made housing for Raspberry Pi
The Raspberry Pi is a so-called single-board computer and has been successful due to its performance and ease of use. In addition to numerous inventor and inventor projects, there are also projects that need for the Raspberry Pi housing - we at mentec ® sup> are the right contact for this.